Measure 3.1.1: Campus enrollment (undergraduate, graduate, and transfer students) disaggregated by different lived experiences and social identities9
Target: Maintain undergraduate, graduate, and transfer student diversity as we grow to 15,000 students
Measure 3.1.2: Number of academic and administrative staff by school and major disaggregated by different lived experiences and social identities
Target: The composition of academic and administrative staff reflects that of the state of California
Example Strategic Initiatives:
- Establish and implement a university-wide equity and justice strategic plan that engages all campus constituencies, internal and external, in developing collective practices and policies in support of the campus strategic plan10
- Recruit faculty, including from diverse backgrounds, who are passionate about inclusion, and who genuinely value diversity in their teaching, research, and service
- Create a sustainable and innovative fundraising approach for diversity work by seeking and expanding individual donors, philanthropic partners, and grant opportunities
- Continue to develop and implement creative strategies and secure resources for the recruitment and retention of faculty and academic and administrative staff of color (e.g. cluster hires, cohorts, mentoring programs)
- Provide targeted and equitable professional development for academic and administrative staff within each unit to support recruitment, retention, and leadership cultivation
- Enhance campus onboarding efforts for academic and administrative staff and ensure succession planning efforts within and across divisions are equitable
- Build intentional relationships with other post-secondary institutions and community-based organizations to recruit and support faculty and administrative staff of color
- Integrate nontraditional and creative measures of success to review and evaluate academic and administrative staff (e.g. mentoring)
- Develop institutional infrastructure and practice to assess and improve the successful inclusion and development of faculty and staff