The strategic plan outlines three overarching and interlocking campus goals. As outlined below, each goal is defined by a set of related objectives. Each objective has its own targets that will allow the campus to track progress towards that objective. For each objective, the plan also includes examples of initiatives to demonstrate the kinds of efforts that will support each objective. Initiatives will be refined as the plan is implemented. Likewise, in 2024-25, nearly half-way through our plan, the campus also plans to revisit the targets for each strategic plan measure.
Measure 1.1.1: Advancement rates for tenure and promotion, disaggregated to track parity.2
Targets: Maintain or increase the percentage of faculty promoted at barrier promotions; develop capacity to regularly disaggregate and report data.
Measure 1.1.2: Number of impactful publications, relevant to disciplinary norms.
Targets: Increase department-specific numbers; metrics will be developed.
Measure 1.1.3: Participation in public and professional service activities related to areas of expertise.
Targets: Increase the number of awards, consultancies, advisory board memberships, Op-eds, public scholarship, media citations, etc. that reflect contributions to public and professional service; metrics will be developed.
Example Strategic Initiatives:
- Grow industry, agency, and community relationships to support and collaborate on research and educational programs
- Continue to invest in areas of faculty research expertise through academic planning
- Continue to improve and expand mentoring and workshops to support faculty tenure, promotion, and advancement
- Develop a formal structure to prepare faculty nominations for national awards and recognitions, i.e. National Academies of Sciences
- Adopt technologies and staff support that increase the external profile of the campus’ scholarly and creative activities
- Cultivate a staff culture of thought-leadership in functional roles, including specific contributions to the research enterprise
- Nominate staff for national professional development programs and opportunities
- Increase the utilization of open-access scholarship to promote research dissemination
- Build institutional capacity to enable faculty and staff to host conferences at regional, national, and international levels in areas identified as strategically important.